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In the second week of 2012, Media Wise held a Social Media Seminar for a small group of close contacts to exchange experiences in this rapidly developing area. Media Wise’s social media specialist Susanne Lehr gave an overview of the social media landscape and presented ideas on how to integrate social media into existing corporate communications, marketing and public relations.

The seminar drew communications professionals from a wide variety of companies: the environmental and civil engineering company, online retail investment bank Binck Bank, property manager Corio, pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly Europe, wind turbine blade producer LM Windpower, fashion label O’Neill, and food producer Unilever. Despite the sector diversity, attendees often had similar view on the charms and challenges of social media.

Cultural differences pose major barriers in taking a consistent global social media approach. The Chinese may have the same tools as the French and Dutch, but their way of using them varies greatly. Getting the right tone of voice is also very culturally determined.

Compliance remains a big challenge and delegates agreed that having a general code of conduct is not enough. What works better is a detailed social media policy that spells out exactly what employees can and can’t do and reminds them of the penalties.

A burning question for all was that of how to measure results. Has anyone devised an effective, accurate return on investment formula to calculate the value of your social media efforts?
We will be reporting on that very topic in our next blog. So stay tuned!

To see a short impression on the seminar, click here.

If you would like to take part in a future Media Wise Social Media seminar, get in touch by sending an e-mail to info@mediawise.local.